Pangeo Showcase

The Pangeo Showcase Webinar Series is part of the Pangeo Weekly Community Meeting. See the Meeting Schedule and Notes for more information on Pangeo community meetings.

With the speaker’s consent, the 15 minute talks are recorded, given a DOI, and made available on the Pangeo YouTube Channel. If you are interested in giving a talk, fill out this short form.

  • Schedule: Every Wednesday, alternating between 12pm and 4pm US East Local Time (EST or EDT) to to encourage attendance from a wide range of time zones.

  • Conferencing: Zoom

Winter/Spring 2024 Showcase




2024-02-07 12PM EST

Ezequiel Cimadevilla

Virtual Analysis Ready Data for CMIP6 and ESGF

2024-02-14 4PM EST

Martin Durant

What’s next for Kerchunk

2024-02-21 12PM EST

Andrew Bennett

Advancing Machine Learning with Open Source Software: A Case Study in Global Climate Projections of Snow

2024-02-28 4PM EST

Nihanth Cherukuru

VAPOR Python: A 3D data visualization Python API for Earth Science datasets

2024-03-06 12PM EST

David Stuebe

Optimizations for Kerchunk aggregation and Zarr I/O at scale for Machine Learning

2024-03-13 4PM EDT

Luis Lopez

HDF at the speed of Zarr

2024-03-20 12PM EDT

Joe Hamman

Cloud Native Data Loaders for Machine Learning using Zarr and Xarray

2024-04-03 12PM EDT

Max Grover

The Open Radar Stack: Bringing Weather Radar data into Pangeo

2024-05-15 12PM EDT

Tom Nicholas

VirtualiZarr: Create virtual Zarr stores using xarray syntax

2024-05-22 4PM EDT

Joe Hamman

Zarr-Python 3 and why you should be excited!

2024-05-29 12PM EDT

Blaec Bejarano

CoCalc for Pangeans

2024-06-05 4PM EDT

Max Jones

Pangeo ML: Open source tools and pipelines for scalable machine learning using NASA Earth observation data

Fall 2023 Showcase




2023-09-20 12PM EDT

Erik A Bolch, KBR (Contractor to USGS)

Interactive Exploration of EMIT Mission data

2023-09-27 4PM EDT

Martin Durant, Anaconda

Intake 2.0: The Future

2023-10-04 12PM EDT

Ryan Abernathy and Joe Hamman, EarthMover

Arraylake: A Cloud-Native Data Lake Platform for Earth System Science

2023-10-11 4PM EDT

Matt Iannucci and Jonathan Joyce, RPS

Improving Access to NOAA National Ocean Service Model Data with Kerchunk and XPublish

2023-10-18 12PM EDT

No Showcase Talk

No Showcase Talk

2023-10-25 4PM EDT

Amelia Snyder, USGS

The Hydro-Terrestrial Earth System Testbed (HyTEST)

2023-11-01 12PM EDT

Ayoub Fatihi, ECMWF

Compression of Geospatial Data with Varying Information Density

2023-11-08 4PM EST

Tim Bonnemann, Open Source Science

Accelerating Science with Open Source – An Introduction to Open-Source Science (OSSci)

2023-11-15 12PM EST

Tom Nicholas, [C]Worthy, and Tom White,

Cubed: Bounded-memory serverless array processing in xarray

2023-11-22 4PM EST

Thanksgiving Break

Thanksgiving Break

2023-11-29 12PM EST

Julius Busecke, Columbia University

How to transform thousands of CMIP6 datasets to Zarr with Pangeo Forge (and why we should never do this again!)

2023-12-06 4PM EST

Tom Nicholas & the Pangeo Community

What’s next for Pangeo?

2023-12-13 12PM EST

Anthony Aufdenkampe, Sarah Jordan, Xavier Nogueira and Paul Tomasula (LimnoTech)

Delivering OGC Processing API, OGC EDR, and OPeNDAP services with pygeoapi and Catalog-to-Xpublish

2023-12-20 4PM EST

Pangeo Showcase Winter Break begins

Pangeo weekly meeting will still take place!

**If you are interested in presenting, please fill out this short form.

Showcase Archive




2023-05-17 12PM EDT

Campbell Watson, IBM

The Geospatial Discovery Network: Accelerating geospatial science in the multicloud future Campbell DOI Badge

2023-05-10 4PM EDT

Navid Constantinou, Australian National University

Open-source and reproducibility workflow within the Consortium for Ocean-Sea Ice Modelling in Australia (COSIMA) Constantinou DOI Badge

2023-04-26 4PM EDT

Michael Barletta, University at Albany

Creating Interactive Plots to Display Weather Data Using the Holoviz/Geoviews Libraries in Python Barletta DOI Badge

2023-04-12 4PM EDT

Abigail Bodner, NYU/ClimateMatch Academy

Climatematch Academy: using Pangeo tools to educate the world on climate

2023-04-05 12PM EST

Alejandro Coca-Castro, The Alan Turing Institute

Environmental Data Science Book: a computational notebook community showcasing open and reproducible environmental science Coca_Castro DOI Badge

2023-03-22 12PM EDT

James A. Bednar, Anaconda Inc.

SOSA: The Scalable Open-Source Analysis Stack Bednar.B DOI Badge

2023-03-08 12PM EST

Isa Elegbede, Lagos State University

Data inclusivity and user needs for the global south Elegbede DOI Badge

2023-03-01 4PM EST

Tasha Snow, Colorado School of Mines

CryoCloud: Accelerating discovery for NASA Cryosphere communities with open cloud infrastructure Snow DOI Badge

2023-02-22 12PM EST

Ramon Ramirez-Linan, Navteca

D’explorer Explore cloud datasets from your notebooks (Replacement to S3 Explorer from IBM) Ramirez DOI Badge

2023-02-15 4PM EST

Tim Crone, Columbia University

Lessons learned teaching Pangeo in the classroom Crone DOI Badge

2023-02-08 12PM EST

Alex Kerney, Gulf of Maine Research Institute

Mental Health for Geoscientists Kerney DOI Badge

2023-02-01 4PM EST

Tom Nicholas, Columbia University

Xarray-Datatree: Hierarchical Data Structures for Multi-Model Science Nicholas DOI Badge

2022-11-16 12PM EST

James A. Bednar, Anaconda

Major advances in HoloViz: GUI explorer to build plots, interactive pipelines, and publish in-browser apps Bednar.A DOI Badge

2022-11-09 4PM EST

Joris Van den Bossche, GeoPandas / Voltron Data

GeoPandas: Easy, fast and scalable geospatial analysis in Python Bossche DOI Badge

2022-11-02 12PM EDT

Emma Marshall, University of Utah

Jupyter book tutorials demonstrating xarray-based workflows for cloud-hosted remote sensing data Marshall DOI Badge

2022-10-19 12PM EDT

Matthias Mohr, openEO

openEO: What it is and how it relates to Pangeo Jacob DOI Badge

2022-10-26 4PM EDT

Hauke Schulz, CICOES/University of Washington

Xbitinfo: Compress datasets based on their information content Hauke DOI Badge

2022-10-12 4PM EDT

Rich Signell, USGS

My ERA5 Journey: From API-to-ARCO Signell DOI Badge

2022-10-05 12PM EDT

Leah Wasser, pyOpenSci

PyOpenSci Wasser DOI Badge

2022-09-21 12PM EDT

Peter Marsh, University of Cape Town

Accessing NetCDF and GRIB file collections as cloud-native virtual datasets using Kerchunk Marsh DOI Badge

2021-11-17 12PM EDT

Deepak Cherian, NCAR

flox: Fast & furious GroupBy reductions with Dask at Pangeo-scale Cherian DOI Badge

2021-11-10 4PM EDT

John Clyne, NCAR

Introducing Project Raijin, Community Geoscience Analysis Tools for Unstructured Mesh Data Clyne DOI Badge

2021-11-03 12PM EDT

Gunnar Brandt and Norman Fomferra, Brockmann Consult GmbH

xcube - Python package for Earth Observation data cubes Brandt DOI Badge

2021-10-27 4PM EDT

Kata Martin, Joe Hamman, and Jeremy Freeman, CarbonPlan

A New Toolkit for Visualizing Zarr Data in Web Maps Martin DOI Badge

2021-10-20 12PM EDT

Tom Augspurger, Dan Morris, Rob Emanuele, Matt McFarland, and Bruno Sanchez-Andrade Nuno, Microsoft

Scalable Sustainability with the Planetary Computer Augspurger DOI Badge

2021-10-13 4PM EDT

Keith Maull and Matt Mayernik, NCAR

Software Citation Guidance for Geoscience Communities Maull DOI Badge

2021-10-06 12PM EDT

Ted Habermann, Metadata Game Changers

Earthquakes and Moving Plates in the Clouds Habermann DOI Badge

2021-09-29 4PM EDT

Daniel Gilford, Climate Central

Introducing pyPI: Tropical Cyclone Potential Intensity Calculations in Python Gilford DOI Badge

2021-09-22 12PM EDT

Alejandro Flores, Boise State University

Navigating the Clouds on the Horizon: A Vision for Reproducible Hydrologic Modeling in the Cloud Flores DOI Badge

2021-09-15 4PM EDT

Shane Mill and Steve Olson, NOAA - National Weather Service

The NWS Implementation of the OGC API - Environmental Data Retrieval Mill DOI Badge

2021-06-30 12pm EDT

Julia Lowndes and Erin Robinson, Openscapes

The NASA-Openscapes Framework Lowndes DOI Badge

2021-06-23 4pm EDT

Brian Rose, University at Albany

Project Pythia: a community learning resource for Python-based computing in the geosciences Rose DOI Badge

2021-06-16 12pm EDT

Sam Partee, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

SmartSim: Online Analytics and Machine Learning for HPC Simulations Partee DOI Badge

2021-06-09 4pm EDT

Eduardo Blancas Reyes, Ploomber

Streamline your Data Science projects with Ploomber Blancas Reyes DOI Badge

2021-06-02 12pm EDT

Matthew Rocklin, Coiled

Coiled: Dask as a Service Rocklin DOI Badge

2021-05-26 4pm EDT

Taher Chegini, University of Houston, Texas

Accessing Hydrology and Climatology database using web services through Python Chegini DOI Badge

2021-05-19 12pm EDT

Chelle Gentemann, Farallon Institute

Accessing Sea Surface Temperature Data on the Cloud Gentemann DOI Badge

2021-05-12 4pm EDT

Josef Kellndorfer, Earth Big Data

The new era of SAR time series: Tackling big EO data analysis and visualization with Pangeo tools Kellndorfer DOI Badge

2021-05-05 12pm EDT

Philip Austin, University of British Columbia

OCESE: Open Source Computing for Earth Science Education Austin DOI Badge

2021-04-28 4pm EDT

David Huard, Ouranos

FAIR Climate Services using the Xarray ecosystem and OGC Standards Huard DOI Badge

2021-04-21 12pm EDT

Benoît Bovy, GFZ-Potsdam, Freelance

Build, customize and run models with Xarray-Simlab Bovy DOI Badge

2021-04-14 4pm EDT

Lais Carvalho, QuanSight

The New Qhub 0.3: An easy way to deploy/maintain JupyterHub with Dask Gateway Carvalho DOI Badge

2021-04-07 12PM EDT

Seth McGinnis, NCAR

Parallel Analysis Using Pangeo vs the Command-Line McGinnis DOI Badge