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Get involved!#

You are invited to join the Pangeo community!

  • Join the discourse
  • Join a community meeting
  • Come to the showcase talks
  • Contribute to a working group
  • Attend an event
  • Talk with developers in the Pangeo ecosystem through GitHub
  • Support Pangeo by donating

Organizing events#

Pangeo Showcase#

We host showcase talks each spring and fall. Here are the steps to organizing the showcase talks:

  • 1-3 months before the fall/spring series
    • Solicit showcase topics from the community
    • Check on the results from the speaker interest form
    • Reach out to potential speakers with an invitation to present
      • Send an introductory invitation
      • If they are interested, provide a few dates for the person to chose from
  • When a talk is confirmed
  • 1 week before the talk
  • 1 day before the talk
  • Day of the talk
    • Join the meeting using a NumFOCUS zoom account at least 5 minutes early
    • Explain that we usually start a few minutes after the hour
    • Ask people to sign in to the weekly Pangeo check-in notes
    • Ask the presenter to share their screen before the recording starts
    • Start the recording
    • Watch the talk
    • End the recording and moderate questions
    • Switch to the 60 second updates
  • After the talk
    • Trim the video (handbrake is an open source tool for this)
    • Create a framegrab for YouTube (ffmpeg is an open source tool for this)
    • Upload the video to the Pangeo YouTube channel
      • Expand options in order to choose creative commons rather than the default YouTube license
    • Ask the speaker for their slides
    • Upload the video and slides to the Pangeo Zenodo community
    • Add a link to the YouTube video and slides on the original discourse post
  • After the fall quarter
    • Make an archival copy of the weekly check-in notes

Potential gotcha's

  • Only people with NumFOCUS Zoom accounts can record the talks. The list of people with accounts is available at
  • Only the zoom meeting owner can access the cloud recordings, regardless of who presses record
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