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A community for open, reproducible, scalable geoscience.

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Pangeo is first and foremost a community promoting open, reproducible, and scalable science. This community provides documentation, develops and maintains software, and deploys computing infrastructure to make scientific research and programming easier.

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Community Components

Pangeo provides the community with space and resources for addressing barriers to advancing open, reproducible, and scalable geoscience.

Discourse forum

The forum provides an online space for discussions about science, software, data, education, and more.

Educational resources

Project Pythia is the education and training hub for Pangeo.

Working groups

Pangeo organizes working groups focused on education, distributed array computing, machine learning, and more.

Recurring meetings

Pangeo hosts regular online community meetings for discussions about progress and issues.

Showcase talks

Showcase talks during the fall and spring highlight new advances in open software, data, and science.

Community Events

Pangeo hosts community events in association with major conferences.


Pangeo drives the development and evolution of software tools that facilitate geoscience research.


Pangeo develops infrastructure and cloud computing approaches for scientific research.

Software Ecosystem

The Pangeo community is actively engaged in developing geoscientific software and plaftorms. Many of these tools are useful far beyond the geoscientific domain.

Pangeo contributes to developing essential software for open, reproducible, scalable geoscience. Many of these libraries are also broadly applicable across many domains.



View Xarray's GithubView Xarray's website

N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python.



Distributed arrays and advanced parallelism for analytics, enabling performance at scale.



An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python.



A high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews

Supported By

We thank these institutions for generously supporting the development and maintenance of Pangeo.

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© 2024, Xarray core developers. Apache 2.0 Licensed.




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